His report is highly critical of the trial judge 他在报告中对主审法官有颇多批评。
I gather his report is highly critical of the trial judge 据我所知,他在报道中毫不留情地批评了初审法官。
Judge Ito said that if his wife was called as a witness, he would step down as trial judge 伊藤法官说,如果他的妻子被传作证,他将不再担任初审法官。
The SEC case could lead to the administrative trial judge penalizing the five firms for failing to provide working papers to the sec. SEC一案的结果可能是行政初审法官判定五家会计师事务所未向SEC提交审计工作文件应受处罚。
The trial judge, Mr Justice mitchell, adjourned the proceedings. 庭审法官,米切尔法官先生,宣布休庭。
The trial judge imposed the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment. 负责审理的法官依法做出终生监禁的判决。
Most litigation matters are finished once a trial judge has signed the final written judgment or order. 多数诉讼案件,在初审法院或机构作出判决或裁决之后,一般即告结束,双方按判决或裁决执行。
Once again, the omens weren't good with the trial judge struggling to bring order to what had become judicial chaos. 主审法官再次试图让司法混乱恢复秩序,这个预兆并不好。
The trial judge said police had raided a party thrown by the19 men and found them dancing "in a womanly fashion," wearing women's clothes and makeup. 一位审判法官称,苏丹警方突袭了一个聚会,19名男子正身着女装浓妆艳抹,跳着“女式舞蹈”。
Notice of Appeal against Sentence upon Certificate of the Trial Judge 藉主审法官的证明书针对刑罚提出上诉的通知
As a practical matter, the ALJ may have greater affirmative responsibility than a trial judge to assure that a full and accurate record is developed at the hearing. 实际上,行政法法官较之审判法官有更大的积极确认责任以确保听证中逐步展开并产生完整和准确的记录。
No trial judge* Likes his rulings overturned. 没有主审法官希望自己的裁决被推翻。
S., appeals courts take as a given the trial court's findings of fact and will hear only disputes about the trial judge's interpretation of legal questions. 但是在美国,二审法院会接受一审法院已经认定了的事实,而且只会听你提出的一审法官在法律解释上存在问题。
However, the APA makes clear that the agency heads are not required to defer to the alj's factfinding in the same way that an appellate court must defer to the trial judge's factual determinations. 然而,《行政程序法》明确规定,不要求机关长官以和上诉法院必须遵从初审法官的事实决定的同样方式遵从行政法法官的事实认定。
The plea bargain has yet to be ratified by the trial judge-and there have been cases where that has not happened, so their sentence may yet grow longer. 减刑请求尚未得到判决法院的批准。此前发生过减刑请求未被批准的情况,因此他们的刑期还可能延长。
The parties agreed that any dispute as to the question of privilege attaching to the documents sought to be produced would be left to the trial judge to decide. 双方亦同意如就上述文件是否涉及法律专业特权问题有任何争议,则由主审法官作出裁定。
In this case, the trial judge granted judgment in favor of the trustee, holding that directors owed a fiduciary duty to creditors when a corporation was in the vicinity of insolvency. 在本案中,初审法院法官支持原告的诉讼主张,认为公司董事在公司濒临破产时,对公司债权人负有信义义务。
The current pre-trial pattern is divided into three types: trial judge pattern, judge assistant pattern, and pre-trial judge pattern. 我国目前实行的审前准备模式有审判法官型、法官助理型、预审法官型三种。
For example, Japan under the influence of in traditional family values and the authority principle, to set the 《 personnel procedural law 》 and establish the family court, equipped with professional trial judge family cases. 例如,日本在传统地家族观念和遵循职权主义原则的影响下,设置了《人事诉讼法》,并建立家庭法院、配备专业化地审判法官审理家事案件。
Through the introduction of the transplanted outside parties and mode of action some of the more mature legal system and rules, to strengthen the phase of the trial judge the status of neutrality of the court and the prosecution and defense in the confrontation. 其通过引进、移植域外当事人主义诉讼模式中的一些较为成熟的诉讼规则及制度,强化了审判阶段法官地位的中立性和庭审中控辩双方的对抗性。
This section first describes our part of the court in the regulation of civil trial judge discretion to make the test water-based exploration and, finally, the author on how regulation of the Civil Trial Judge Discretion four points. 该部分首先介绍了我国部分法院在规制民事审判法官自由裁量权方面做出的试水性探索,最后,作者就如何规制我国民事审判法官自由裁量权的问题提出了四点建议。
The fourthly part, in practice, the trial judge is faced with complex cases, which often can not pigeon-holing application of the law. 第四部分,在审判实践中法官面对的案件是纷繁复杂的,这使法官常常不能直接对号入座地适用法律。
The default judgment is one of ways to conclude civil cases, the judgment made by the trial judge in the absence of a party. 民事缺席判决是在当事人一方缺席的情况下,由承审法官所作的判决,是民事案件结案的一种方式。
For an in-depth study of legal reasoning, in particular the practice of closely integrated with the trial judge can urge judges to strengthen the legal reasoning to carry out rational and scientific adjudication. 对法律推理的深入研究,特别是与审判实践紧密结合,能够增强法官的法律推理能力,从而进行理性、科学的司法裁判。
First, the object of the indictment and the trial judge to determine the system status of the object changes in legislation and practice, respectively, to inspect, analyze systems and limitations between missing. 该部分首先对我国起诉书确定审判对象以及审判对象变更的制度现状分别从立法和实践方面进行考察,剖析制度缺失与局限之处。
Such conclusions mutual "scuffle" makes the situation of the case by the trial judge to determine which of the parties in the end concluded with the identification of proof higher. 这种鉴定结论相互打架的局面使得该案的主审法官无法判断到底哪一方的鉴定结论具有更高的证明力。
Litigants start retrial procedure has two purposes, first, expect the trial judge revoked by the retrial procedure; the other is expect their claims to be supported by the court in the retrial process. 当事人启动再审程序的目的有二:一是期望通过再审程序撤销原审裁判;二是期望其诉讼请求在再审程序中能得到法院的支持。